Hair Transplant

Understanding the hair transplant process can be a little tricky, especially when you are starting to look into the cost of a hair transplant. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at both how the procedure works and what it could potentially cost you.

Hair transplants work by relocating hair from one part of your scalp to another. The hair that is transplanted comes from the back of your head, where it is immune to androgenic alopecia (also known as male pattern baldness). This means that no matter how long you have been suffering from balding, the hair from this section of your scalp will not fall out. This makes it an ideal place to take donor hairs for your hair transplant.

When you choose Dr. Robin Unger, you are choosing a hair transplant surgeon who is passionate about providing the best possible experience to her patients.

There are two main types of hair transplants:

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), sometimes called the “strip method,” involves removing a strip of tissue containing follicles from the back or side of your head, where hair is typically plentiful. A surgeon then makes tiny incisions in your scalp and inserts single-hair follicles from that strip into those incisions. They may also remove individual follicles from the donor strip using tweezers. This type of procedure often leaves a thin scar where the hair was removed, which is why some people choose FUE instead.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE)

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) uses a different approach. Instead of removing all follicles from a single strip of tissue, an FUE specialist removes each one with a small punch tool — often 1 millimeter or smaller — before inserting it into another part of your head. The result is no scarring and faster healing time than with FUT procedures.

Hair loss can be caused by several different factors, which makes it difficult to treat. Knowing the exact cause of your hair loss is key to getting the right treatment, which is why you should consult a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Robin Unger before looking at any other options for treating your condition.

What Are The Different Methods Of A Hair Transplant

Doctors have several methods available for performing the operation, but all involve removing healthy follicles from one part of your head and transferring them to another location where hair isn’t growing properly. The process will take several hours, depending on how much hair you’re having replaced. You’ll be given pain medication and maybe conscious during the surgery or you could be put under general anesthesia.

The number of grafts that are needed for a transplant is determined in consultation with your hair restoration surgeon prior to the procedure. Grafts are small clusters of 1-5 hairs that are harvested individually and then replanted on your balding areas.

If you are going to undergo a hair transplant, it is critical that you choose a doctor who is experienced and skilled like Dr. Robin Unger. At our clinic, we don’t just treat your hair loss; we treat you as a whole person. Everyone who comes through our doors is treated with respect and compassion, even if they may just be coming in for a consultation but aren’t ready to commit quite yet to a treatment plan. 

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